We all know what it's like to have our kid's favorite songs or songs from a favorite TV show suck in our heads. I can't tell you how many nights I'm trying to fall asleep or write an email and the theme from Bubble Guppies or Fresh Beat Band pops into my head. Before I know it, I'm belting out preschool songs at the copy machine in the hall at work. I've given up trying to hide the dialog that is constantly playing in my head throughout the day. I sing songs in odd places and times, have full conversations with myself about what to make for dinner or if I switched the wash. Sometimes I even talk in funny voices at the most inappropriate times ... like today.
I'm in the middle of an exhausting 2 weeks of school working towards my MFA in design/illustration. My schedule since last Sunday has been up at 5am, drive 1.5 hours to my university, participate in rigorous art classes until 5pm, drive 1.5 hrs to work to catch up on things, then home, spend an hour with my kids and then work on homework until I'm too tired to see straight. It's no wonder my brain is so fried!
A perfect example of the constant inner dialog happening with the combination of being overstretched and tired happened today in one of my studio classes. A brilliant and well known artist who happens to be from the UK is teaching this particular studio. He's older and very distinguished...and very British. As he was coming around to inspect my work, he greeted me with a "hello" that was so British that it could have come from an episode of Kipper The Dog. I turned to him very abruptly and responded with an even bigger, longer and oh so British..."HELLO" (Mrs. Doubtfire style)! I realized immediately what I had done and went on describing my work very seriously trying to play off my incredibly offensive display. He left the room a few moments later and I could feel every eye in the studio on me. I looked up sheepishly trying not to laugh and said "it was an accident". My classmates exploded with laughter for a good 10 minutes.
I couldn't help myself! It came out without even thinking! As I said, I'm always doing funny voices with my kids, but this was not the time for that inner voice to creep out! I only hope that I didn't offend this person and that I can keep that voice hidden for a few more days. I'm fulling blaming my kids for this one! Haha!