Sunday, December 5, 2010

Amanda The Builder

When I got pregnant with Luke, I knew my interests were going to change. I knew that Grey Goose vs. Ketel One would be replaced with Huggies vs. Pampers, "should I go for a run?" would be replaced with "should I take a nap?", and poop would become very important. What I didn't see coming was the transformation from "beautiful painting is it Pissarro or Cezanne?" to "cool truck, is it a front hoe loader or a bulldozer?"

I wouldn't say I'm a girly girl, I played rough when I was little, partied my way through college, and have spent lots of time in my garden up to my elbows in dirt, but trucks? I'm starting from scratch with that one. However, what I lack in truck knowledge, I definitely make up for in truck enthusiasm. "Look Luke, look at that truck!!! (exaggeratedly pointing) Do you see it??? (jumping up and down) Look at the crane, it goes up and down, up and down, up and down!!!!" Oh. Man. It's not just trucks either, it's all of Luke's current obsessions, snowmen, Christmas lights, drums... And this weekend when we happened upon a Christmas parade in Palm Springs with trucks(!), covered with lights(!), with snowmen on top(!), followed by a marching band(!), my head almost exploded. Then I looked over at Luke and he was so excited that I cried.

So I guess my new interests are Luke, things that Luke likes, and spending time with Luke. Don't get me wrong, I still like hanging out with my friends, shopping, reading a good book, and cooking a nice meal, but watching your son get excited about something he really loves is just about the best thing in the world. Well that and the $25 sweater sale that I encountered this weekend at the Banana Republic Outlet, because some things never change.

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