Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blueberry Trumps Boobie

Well, not the way I had expected or planned, but Quilla has tasted real food for the first time.  

Poor little girl is teething like crazy!  She was so fussy. She wanted to nurse more to comfort herself, but then would cry as soon as she latched on. She would stick her hands, fingers, or teether in her mouth for comfort  to find that the additional pressure would only cause more pain.  I put an amber necklace on her and gave her homeopathic drops, but they didn't seems to help when the pain appeared to increase.  So, I broke down and gave her children's Tylenol to take the edge off, but it still didn't seem to help. I gave her a cold wet washcloth to suck/chew on, and she seemed to like that ... for about a minute. 
I HATE to see her in pain.  
She is 5 months old now, and at her last check up the doctor said I could start her on some fruit and veggie purees when I felt comfortable.  I had planned to wait until she was at least 7 months to start experimenting with food with her as I have read that it's better to wait to avoid food allergies and to allow her digestive system to further mature. However, as big crocodile tears poured down my inconsolable child's face, I quickly stuffed frozen blueberries into a Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder to let her chew on.  It worked!  We completely trashed her white pajamas with the blue juice we were both covered in by the time she finished, but it worked!
 Honestly, I probably would have given her frozen caviar if I thought it would have helped! 
I still don't plan to "officially" start her on solid food yet.  She is 28 inches long and 19 lbs. at only 22 weeks, so I hardly think she "needs" any additional or supplemental nutrition.  Clearly, she is not starving on a diet of only breast milk.  However, I have a fresh supply of frozen blueberries and also frozen bananas (more jammie friendly) on hand for that mesh teether for the next time she starts to fuss on the boobie!


Christina said...

Before you have your first child, you can write a book on all of the "I will NEVER do/feed/allow my child....blah blah blah" statements.

Then they arrive and they start growing and the reality of parenting hits and as you say - when your child is in pain you will do ANYTHING to help them!

I love the blueberry stains! I wish we'd had those mesh teething rings when mine were little - those are brilliant. And yes, I found that frozen *anything* worked best on those swollen gums.Also, bananas & blueberries are way cheaper than caviar ;-)

Fwiw, when my youngest was 4.5 months old he literally begged, almost like a dog, for a bite of the sweet potatoes at a Thanksgiving meal. When I finally held out a tiny spoon of it he lunged and just about swallowed the spoon whole! He was so ready for food it was impossible to stop. He's also allergy free at 14 so clearly it was OK.

Unknown said...

Beware, bananas can leave terrible stains too!

Rebecca said...

poor little one i remember those days of teething i felt so at a lost as to how to help my litte one now he is 10 and has all in grown up teeth and i'm wishing for the teething stage again. hope she feels better soon