Thursday, March 7, 2013

double the pleasure

Quilla & Zarielle
Well, it's been 7 months since I have written anything other than a grocery list, and I make no apologies.  I am a Mother of TWO now!  I look back at some of my older posts from 2010 and giggle.  That lady had it sooooo easy!  How naive was I to think that the second time around would be easier.  pffff!  I often feel like the 15 year old girl in Spanish class raising her hand to ask "¿Puedo ir al baño?" because I now need the permission of a newborn AND toddler to go and relieve myself.
Yes, I CAN use the bathroom  .... as long as my entourage of 2 is agreeable.
My hat is off to Mothers everywhere.
My new daughter Zarielle is now three months old.  This seems to be the magic age where the clouds begin to part and a bit of sunshine peaks through.  At three months they seem to fuss a lot less, and they are a bit more predictable with their "schedule" in regards to feedings, naps, and bedtime.  So, there are now occasional days when I can actually get out of my PJ's because I know when the approximate "window" will be when I will have enough time to get dressed.  Hooray!
... not so fast Mama.
Getting dressed takes some serious creativity these days, and with this kind of sleep deprivation, creativity is a talent I lack.  Even if my waist, hips and feet WHERE back to normal size by now, my breasts ARE NOT and WILL NOT be "normal" again for at least another two years- if ever.  Nursing boob cleavage (which occurs in a turtle neck these days) is simply unsightly. Trying to button up a  blouse is like trying to fit two economy size bags of frozen peas from Costco that are each the size of  a fairly large cantaloupe into an eye patch. Then, I must smoosh them together and stick some boobie diapers (AKA breast pads) on top of  them for good measure.
Regardless, while I may no longer be the most fashion forward gal on the block, (or in  the whole state of Texas for that matter) I DO sport a pretty big delirious smile on most days.  These two piccolo mostroni keep me on my toes, and running in circles all day long.
I welcome the residual circus.

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