Thursday, March 7, 2013

double the pleasure

Quilla & Zarielle
Well, it's been 7 months since I have written anything other than a grocery list, and I make no apologies.  I am a Mother of TWO now!  I look back at some of my older posts from 2010 and giggle.  That lady had it sooooo easy!  How naive was I to think that the second time around would be easier.  pffff!  I often feel like the 15 year old girl in Spanish class raising her hand to ask "¿Puedo ir al baƱo?" because I now need the permission of a newborn AND toddler to go and relieve myself.
Yes, I CAN use the bathroom  .... as long as my entourage of 2 is agreeable.
My hat is off to Mothers everywhere.
My new daughter Zarielle is now three months old.  This seems to be the magic age where the clouds begin to part and a bit of sunshine peaks through.  At three months they seem to fuss a lot less, and they are a bit more predictable with their "schedule" in regards to feedings, naps, and bedtime.  So, there are now occasional days when I can actually get out of my PJ's because I know when the approximate "window" will be when I will have enough time to get dressed.  Hooray!
... not so fast Mama.
Getting dressed takes some serious creativity these days, and with this kind of sleep deprivation, creativity is a talent I lack.  Even if my waist, hips and feet WHERE back to normal size by now, my breasts ARE NOT and WILL NOT be "normal" again for at least another two years- if ever.  Nursing boob cleavage (which occurs in a turtle neck these days) is simply unsightly. Trying to button up a  blouse is like trying to fit two economy size bags of frozen peas from Costco that are each the size of  a fairly large cantaloupe into an eye patch. Then, I must smoosh them together and stick some boobie diapers (AKA breast pads) on top of  them for good measure.
Regardless, while I may no longer be the most fashion forward gal on the block, (or in  the whole state of Texas for that matter) I DO sport a pretty big delirious smile on most days.  These two piccolo mostroni keep me on my toes, and running in circles all day long.
I welcome the residual circus.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Keeping the Flame Alive

Hello Ladies!

I've been MIA for a while. We had a new addition to our family on May 30, 2012. His name is Krosby aka. Sully and he is one perfect bundle of joy. As we all know, having a new baby certainly changes your time allowances which is why you have not heard from me in a while. Not being able to blog isn't the only activity that has been lacking around my house. My husband and I have not had much time or energy to keep up with our "special time" together (ps: "special time" is code for gettin busy). By the time we are home from work, dinner is over and dishes are done, kids are bathed, baby had been nursed and the house is quiet - we have fallen into a routine of silence. He plays on the iPad or watches ESPN while I read or we catch up on the shows we've missed all week - all in almost complete silence. We are physically and mentally exhausted. Not to mention, I still feel like a fat cow having not lost the last 20 lbs of baby weight which results in a constant internal dialog of how we are not gettin busy because he's not attracted to me because of the fat cow'itis (not the case - just my normal brand of crazy). So, yesterday we were in the shower together after the kids went to bed and I asked him what his new years resolution was. The conversation went like this:

me: what is your resolution for this year

hubby: I can't tell you

me: why not? It's not a birthday wish

hubby: it's my resolution and i don't what to say

me: (huff from me) well can i guess?

hubby: you can try

me: is it to have sex with me more often (I say from under batted eye lids)

hubby: no (with a half smile)

me: (another huff)

hubby: that would have been a good one though

me: oh yeah? (hope sprung anew)

hubby: look at it this way though...we've been testing our relationship...when we are in our eighties and you're all dried up and my junk just hangs there...I know I will be perfectly happy with you...because we actually "like" each other.

me: thanks? I'd still like more of the sex please

hubby: me too

I think you can guess what happened next. LOL :). My husband has never been what I would call romantic. His ideas on what that word means come from another galaxy. However he has always been sweet and a good friend, my best friend. He reminded me of this in our conversation and it was so unexpected that it almost confused me. It was exactly what I needed to hear though and knowing what I needed to hear even before I did is a quality that only a best friend can possess. It's a different type of romance. One that I'm glad we are grown up enough to share.

New Family Photo!
Christmas 2012