Monday, November 7, 2011

Moving Day(s)

Well, just tell me when it's over! I have been packing for one month now, and finally finished at 2am Thursday morning.
We were supposed to pick up the moving truck at 9am Friday morning.
however ...
At 11pm Thursday night as I was gathering together our important documents for the trip, I realized my drivers license had expired while I've been busy trying to fit our life Into a box. So, first thing the next morning I dressed Quilla, gave her some fruit and cherrios, took a shower, threw some clothes on and dashed out the door (wet head, no makeup of course!) to the DMV to get the license renewed. As I was "dashing" I scooped up my happy babbling toddler only to realize that she was cold and wet. Apparently, she had taken a morning swim in the dog's water bowl. So, back in the house we went for a wardrobe change. Seven minutes later my accomplished wiggler and I were In the car and on our way. Luckily, it was raining, and since most Angelino's either don't know how or are scared to drive in the rain, there was no one at the DMV. There was no line and I was able to very quickly finish the renewal process. The only hiccup was that they needed to take a new photo of me for the new license. So, need less to say, for the next 5 years I will carry a drivers license with a terrible wet head/no makeup/dark under eye circles mug shot photo that also looks like I have a bit of facial hair because I was holding Quilla when it was taken and the top of her head was just at my chin! Pffff!
With my new trans-gender looking drivers license in hand, we went to pick up my husband so we could go get the moving truck. All in all that went smoothly, except for my credit card was declined because the bank had a fraud warning hold placed on my account. So, I had to call the bank to verify some recent activity which took another 30 minutes. By the time we got back to the house to start loading the truck it was 10:45am.
And then the sky opened up.
It poured.
It rained cats, dogs AND elephants! It was cold and miserable .... And then eventually it was dark and time for Quilla to go to bed. So, we called it a day.
And did it all over again on Saturday.
And Sunday.
It's now Monday morning. I'm climbing the walls and loosing my mind in a hotel room just down the street from our empty house while Raven finishes tying up a few loose ends so we can finally hit the road.
The truck rental was for 6 days, so we now have 3 days left to drive to Texas and unload it on the other end. This will be virtually impossible since we are traveling with a one year old.
We're not off to a great start.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

aw honey hugs well it may not be a great start but it is a great adventure. Just think in a few years you can tell Quilla about how she took her very first road trip and all the mishaps and adaventure you had togethr as a family.