Sunday, November 7, 2010

Topless on Sunset Blvd.

Big day!  We (my 5 week old & I) went to the grocery store, drycleaners, and pet store all by our selves!  This may sound ridiculous, but it was a major triumph for me.
The first time we tried to manage an outing alone it was a complete fiasco, and I was somewhat traumatized.  My daughter Quilla had had her 2-week well baby visit, and I thought it would be so simple!  Just get us both in the car and go ...  Right?  Our pediatrician’s office is only about 6 or 7 minutes from our house, so how hard could it be?  Well, first we were running late because Quilla kept nursing for longer than I anticipated which left me virtually no time for a shower and getting dressed. Once we were finally ready, I got her into her new car seat and put the stroller base in the car and pulled out of out driveway feeling somewhat confident about this new endeavor. Three minutes into the trip Quilla started to whimper which quickly became a cry, and then a wail! I couldn’t pull over fast enough- I was so panicked! I think I literally would’ve driven over pedestrians to get to my now screaming & choking child faster if I had to! I finally got pulled over. So there I was- at a red curb …. in front of a fire hydrant (of course!)… on Sunset Blvd. with the doors open … in the back seat of  my car, one boob out,  nursing my newborn as I’m frantically looking over my shoulder to see if the parking police have spotted me yet.  Twenty minutes later we arrived at the doctors office. Both of us were tear-stained and red-faced. The nurse took one look at us, and with a knowing nod of a mom who’s been there before, she invited us to a room with a glider were we both could finish collecting ourselves before we saw the doctor.
So, YES! Today was a major milestone! I bought strawberries, laundry soap, dog food, and dropped the dry cleaning off with NO tears from either party!

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