Monday, November 8, 2010

My Baby Has A Drinking Problem

Charlotte's favorite thing to play with in the bath tub is the plastic cup that I use to rinse her off. She fills the cup up, then dumps the cup out. She puts her hand in the cup, then she takes her hand out. She's truly fascinated with the cup and up until a few nights ago I though it was great entertainment to watch her amusement.

It was a normal bath time. So much fun was being had by all until Charlotte found she could make funny echo sounds by saying "Ah" in the cup. Super cute and harmless right? Nope, I looked away for a second to grab her washrag and all I heard was gasping. She had tried to sing into a full cup of water and inhaled it. She was coughing, screaming and gasping while bubbles flowed from her mouth and nose. 

HELP! What did I do? I've drowned my baby! So I scooped her wet little body out of the tub and sat her in my lap. After a few minutes, she regained composure. Though still coughing a little, she looked up at me and began to laugh hysterically. It was then that I realized, she wasn't the only one who was wet and soapy! Now what? Wet laughing baby...wet laughing mommy. There was only one thing to do...take my clothes off too and finish bathing her topless, but this time we were minus one plastic cup.

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