Wednesday, November 10, 2010

“I won’t think about that now … I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

Today has been a day in the trenches of the utmost stench. I stepped in barf - twice, my whole house stunk like dirty laundry and fish from a mystery item in my mounting pile of dishes in the sink, and my sweet little angel had a diaper explosion so gi-normous that I will have to permanently retire the outfit she was wearing.  I will also need to get the cover of her My Little Lamb bouncy chair in the wash ASAP as it fell victim to the contents of my daughter’s diaper as well.  I’d better get on that STAT as it is her favorite activity/place to sleep at the moment. My baby puked more, and went through more wardrobe changes today than Lindsay Lohan.  Poor little thing!
Getting a load of wash in at my home is no easy task though. Outside of the fact that I already have my hands full today, whatever genius built our house thought it would be cool to have the laundry room all the way out by the unattached garage.  Clearly, the architect was not a mother with children.  We recently started some construction to implement a laundry room inside the house, but it is not finished yet.
My goal for today was to finally get to the grocery store since I have practically been living off Balance Bars and fruit from the trees in the front yard for 2 days now.  However, I refuse to buy fresh food until I have a chance to clean up that filthy kitchen.
I never did get to the store today.  Quilla was having bad reflux and couldn’t be put down to take a nap.  The only way she could fall asleep without choking would’ve been either in her lamby chair (now out of order), her Starlight Papasan Cradle Swing, or on my shoulder.  She finally passed out on my shoulder around 5pm.  I tiptoed back to the nursery and gently sat her in her swing for a well-deserved nap. Moments later, my darling husband decided (without consulting with me first) that it was a good time to start tinkering around with his 1967 Dodge Dart which is parked about 20 feet from the outside of the north side windows of the nursery.  Of course, this entailed firing up some sort of obnoxiously loud power tool that promptly jolted Quilla from her sweet dreams of golden boobies full of only the sweetest breast milk.  I nearly lost my mind.
By 6pm I finally got her back to sleep, and carefully propped her up on the Luna Lullaby Bosom-Baby pillow on our double width chaise lounge where she was finally able to surrender to la-la land.
It’s now 10pm.  I’m halfway through the laundry pile, almost finished with the kitchen situation, and I am burning a tea rose candle.
Alas, I suppose I shall order takeout…again.  Can I get a side of “power nap for mommy” with that?
Quilla is still asleep. Which means, of course, we will be awake most the night … but smelling the roses.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

first let me offer you a big hug then say wow what a day. you definitely need the power nap. hope your little angel feels better and can sleep inher crib soon