Monday, November 8, 2010

The House That Jaq Built

After marrying young, having my son at the ripe age of 18 and ending my treacherous marriage, a new definition of self-sacrifice and perseverance emerged within myself to make a better life. Years of juggling education, building a career and being a single parent stretched ahead of me. It was an adventure that at times I would not have believed possible to survive. One particular hurdle was that at the age of 3, I noticed something was different about Christian. After a lengthy process, he was diagnosed with ADHD, ODD and learning disabilities. It has taken a lot of research, education, tears and both professional and family support to get him on track. Despite, or maybe in-spite of his unique personality, he is the most brilliant and inspiring boy I have ever known. I guess you could say that we've almost grown up together and through everything that has happened to us and between us we share a bond that is stronger then any challenge I could be handed. So, here I am 10 years later: stronger, prouder and happier than ever.
The past 3 years have been a roller-coaster! I have had the great fortune of marrying a man who helps me balance the madness and laugh hysterically while doing so. His love and support for who I am and my goals in life have breathed a refreshing life in to my world. We had our first child together in October of 2009. Charlotte came into the world with a furry at 6 weeks early and on my birthday! Like mother like daughter she has her own way of doing things and hopefully someday I will figure out ahead of time where her next move will be.
Through her first year of life, many changes have occurred in our family including new jobs for both my husband and myself, moving to a new city, buying our first house and of course always juggling education. It's a daily battle starting at 5am most days and ending...well later than I'm always intending. The state of my house can only be categorized as organized chaos. I am forever behind on laundry, dishes, shopping and opening mail. Someone is always sick or dirty or both and in turn that makes me both sick and dirty at various points throughout my day. I've learned to accept that my house might not be as pretty or as clean as I would like and that I may never be the classroom mom who has time to do bake sales and organize play dates. My children are the most important aspect in my life and I would give nothing short of everything too keep them happy, healthy and safe.
Motherhood is a journey. In my case, it's sometimes a stinky one and I wouldn't change a thing!

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