Wednesday, November 10, 2010

(Insert Evil Laugh Here)

I love my gardener, Sylvestre. Why I was previously so stubborn and determined to do all my own yard and house work is beyond me! Maybe because as a teenager, it was one of my weekly chores at home, to mow and edge the lawn, and I was always just used to doing it? It takes less than an hour and can be strangely therapeutic, same with vacuuming- I love to vacuum! Is that odd? The only thing that stopped me in my tracks was bed rest when I was put on bed rest while pregnant with the twins. When that happened, we got a maid and a gardener and the girls went to stay with Grandma when daddy worked because my bed rest was strict as could be. Who says stay-at-home-moms don't do anything? If my bed rest resulted in the hiring of housekeepers, gardeners and (basically) a childcare provider, then nobody can tell me that staying home and taking care of the house and kids isn't a job. Hmph! So, once I was able to move around again after my C-section, maybe at a month postpartum, we sadly let the maids go... but I just couldn't let go of our gardener- I had to have at the very least the outside of our house looking like I had my sh*t together, and the inside... well... I'd work on that.

Our yard looks better than anything I ever did to it, and I don't get the strange looks anymore when I'm running the mower along our front lawn with a huge belly... like I did while I was up to 9 months pregnant with Aurora. Even while sans belly- I would still feel like an oddball! I really don't see what's so strange about a person maintaining their own lawn, if it weren't for my sudden gaggle of kids, I'd still be at it! But.... I can get used to Sylvestre... okay, fine- I AM used to Sylvestre and hope to never mow another lawn again! Muahahahahaha!

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